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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

All of your personal information collected will be used to help make your visit to our website as productive and enjoyable as possible. Ensuring the confidentiality of users' personal data is very important for Bansk.

All personal information relating to members, subscribers, customers or visitors who access the Bansk platform will be treated in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law no. 13,709/2018).

Accessing and making purchases on the Bansk website presupposes acceptance of this Privacy Agreement. The Bansk team reserves the right to change this agreement without prior notice and the user must pay attention to updates in the link provided at the end of the page.

  1. DEFINITIONS THAT APPEAR IN THIS POLICY Users: means anyone and everyone who accesses or browses our website.

Cookies: Small files sent by the website, saved on your device, which store preferences and little other information, with the purpose of personalizing your browsing according to your profile.

Personal Data or Data: Data relating to a natural person who may be identified or become identifiable.

Data Protection Officer -DPO: Person appointed to act as a communication channel between them, the user and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

Platforms: The website.

Policy: This is this Privacy Policy.

Processing: Any operation carried out with Personal Data, such as those relating to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication , transfer, diffusion or extraction.


The types of Personal Data and the way we collect it depend on the User's interaction on our website. The User is responsible for the veracity of the personal data they provide and for keeping them updated and correct.

We collect and use information contained in advertisements. The information contained in the advertisements includes your IP (Internet Protocol) address, your ISP (Internet Service Provider, such as Sapo, Clix, or another), the browser you used when visiting our website (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time of your visit and which pages you visited within our website.

The personal data collected may include:

i) your name, email, telephone and/or cell phone number, address, date of birth and/or others.

ii) Purpose:
Contract execution
Legitimate interest

a) We collect the data that the user provides through registration on our platforms, as well as through interactions that the user has with us (for example, interaction with our products and reviews).

b) We collect data when the user contacts us through our service channels available on our website.

c) We collect data automatically, through cookies.

d) Use of Personal Data:

• Make and manage orders and purchases of our products.

• Make payment and ship purchased products.

• Process return or exchange requests.

• Register the user on our platforms.

• Manage any promotions and marketing campaigns that the user chooses to participate in.

• Offer products based on your profile and inform about products that the user has shown interest in.

• Interact with the user, including responding to their interactions on our Service Channels.

• Protect the user against fraud.

Your Personal Data may be shared with suppliers and internal departments and social networks.

Bansk has links with other websites, which may contain information/tools of interest to our visitors. Our privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites. If you visit any website indicated, from ours, the user must read its privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content of third parties.

To find out more about our suppliers and partners, contact us through our Service Channels available on our website or through direct contact with our Manager, as available in this Policy.


We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our website. This could include a simple popup, or a link to various services we provide. In addition, we also use third-party advertising on our website to support maintenance costs. Some of these advertisers may use technologies such as cookies and/or web beacons when they advertise on our website, which will result in these advertisers (such as Google through Google AdSense) also receiving your personal information, such as your ISP address and your ISP. , browser, etc. This function is generally used for geotargeting (showing Lisbon advertising only to readers from Lisbon, for example) or showing advertising targeted to a type of user (such as showing restaurant advertising to a user who visits cooking websites regularly).
You have the power to turn off your cookies, in your browser options, or by making changes to Anti-Virus program tools. However, this may change the way you interact with our website. This may affect or prevent you from logging into programs, websites or forums on our and other networks.


Users' Personal Data may be stored outside the national territory, through the computing service and to carry out import services.

These transfers are only made to companies that comply with applicable laws and that maintain a level of compliance similar to or more stringent than that provided for in Brazilian legislation.


Bansk has Internal Policies on retention and disposal of Personal Data, which define guidelines for storage and deletion. It is important to mention that we store Personal Data only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, within the limits established in this Policy.

If we send you electronic advertising messages based on your consent or otherwise permitted by applicable law, you may, at any time and free of charge, withdraw your authorization or declare your refusal. The electronic advertising messages that You receive – for example, those sent via email – include an opt-out mechanism within the email platform – to unsubscribe from the emails we send to you.

In compliance with your rights, you may contact us through our service channels to request: Right to revoke consent, under the terms of the Law; Right to anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with the LGPD; Right to guarantee the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of data; Right to be notified about changes in data processing; And all those covered by the General Personal Data Protection Law.


We adopt appropriate measures to protect your Personal Data, including the use of a secure server, information security tools, commitment to confidentiality and training of our employees, for example.

You are also responsible for the safekeeping, confidentiality and use of the registered “username” and “password”, which are personal and non-transferable. Therefore, never share your access data with other people, as any loss suffered as a result of this sharing will be your responsibility.


If the user has any questions or complaints related to this Privacy Policy, we will be happy to help through our Customer Service Channels available on our website.


At Bansk Brazil, the safety of our customers is our priority. We are aware that scams, such as phishing, are increasingly common. This criminal technique aims to obtain confidential information through fraudulent emails and SMS, which often pretend to be legitimate companies, such as the Brazilian Post Office, in order to deceive users.

Tips to Avoid Scams:

1. Check the Sender's Email and Name:
At Bansk Brazil, all our emails and SMS are sent from legitimate domains and numbers. We recommend that you always verify the sender's email address or number before clicking on any links or providing any personal information. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of a communication, please contact us directly through the company's official channel.

2. Caution with Links:
Avoid clicking on links received via email or SMS, especially if they are unexpected or suspicious. If you are waiting for a package, we recommend that you check the status directly on the official website of the company responsible for shipping, such as the Brazilian Post Office.

3. Be wary of urgent messages:
Messages that create a sense of urgency, such as threats to cancel services or charge fees, should be treated with suspicion. Never provide sensitive information without first verifying the authenticity of the request.

4. Keep Your Systems Updated:
Keep your security apps and software up to date to protect against new threats. These tools help identify and eliminate malicious files that could compromise your data.

5. Report Suspicious Messages:
If you receive a suspicious email or SMS, we recommend that you immediately report it to your email provider or carrier using the “report spam” or “report phishing” options. This will help prevent other users from falling victim to scams.

By following these guidelines, you contribute to the security of your information and help prevent scam attempts using company names inappropriately.


We may send communications and advertising messages daily to registered Users, using all types of technologies and means of communication available, whether by email, SMS, MMS, direct mail or others.


Bansk reserves the right, at any time, to modify this Policy, and it is up to the user to check it whenever they access our website.

If updates require new collection of consent, the user will be notified through the contact channels provided to us.


This Policy is interpreted and applied in Brazilian territory, with the forum of the user's domicile being elected to resolve any dispute involving this document, unless there is a specific exception regarding personal, territorial or functional jurisdiction by applicable legislation.

Last updated on: 06/06/2022

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